Hard Coating Low-E

Low-e coatings have been developed to minimize the amount of ultraviolet and infrared light that can pass through glass without compromising the amount of visible light that is transmitted.

General Details

Low-e coatings have been developed to minimize the amount of ultraviolet and infrared light that can pass through glass without compromising the amount of visible light that is transmitted.

When heat or light energy is absorbed by glass it is either shifted away by moving air or reradiated by the glass surface. The ability of a material to radiate energy is known as emissivity. In general, highly reflective materials have a low emissivity and dull darker colored materials have a high emissivity. All materials, including windows, radiate heat in the form of long-wave, infrared energy depending on the emissivity and temperature of their surfaces. Radiant energy is one of the important ways heat transfer occurs with windows. Reducing the emissivity of one or more of the window glass surfaces improves a window’s insulating properties.

This is where low emissivity or low-e glass coatings come into play. Low-e glass has a microscopically thin, transparent coating – it is much thinner than a human hair – that reflects long-wave infrared energy (or heat). Some low-e’s also reflect significant amounts of short-wave solar infrared energy. When the interior heat energy tries to escape to the colder outside during the winter, the low-e coating reflects the heat back to the inside, reducing the radiant heat loss through the glass. The reverse happens during the summer time.. To use a simple analogy, low-e glass works the same way a thermos does. A thermos has a silver lining, which reflects the temperature of the drink it contains back in. The temperature is maintained because of the constant reflection that occurs, as well as the insulating benefits that the air space provides between the inner and outer shells of the thermos … similar to an insulating glass unit. Since low-e glass is comprised of extremely thin layers of silver or other low emissivity materials, the same theory applies. The silver low-e coating reflects the interior temperatures back inside, keeping the room warm or cold.

There are actually two different types of low-e coatings: passive low-e coatings and solar control low-e coatings. Most passive low-e coatings, are manufactured using the pyrolytic process – the coating is applied to the glass ribbon while it is being produced on the float line, the coating then “fuses” to the hot glass surface, creating a strong bond, or “hard-coat” that is very durable during fabrication. Finally, the glass is cut into stock sheets of various sizes for shipment to fabricators. Passive low-e coatings are good for very cold climates because they allow some of the sun’s short-wave infrared energy to pass through and help heat the building during the winter, but still reflect the interior long-wave heat energy back inside.

Planibel G
Planibel G

Planible G has multiple applications in residential and commercial buildings. The Low-E coating contributes to the thermal insulating properties of windows & doors and it reduces the indoors energy consumpition.

Combination with reflective / tinted glass glazed on the external pane (IGU), it provides excellent solar shading.

Product Benefits

  • Online hard coating
  • Stable, virtually unlimited shelf life, long life performance.
  • Transparent and neutral color appearance, low light reflection.
  • High light transmission and desirable solar gain.
  • High durability, easy handling & easy processing.
  • Can be used as single glazing (surface position#2)
  • No film deletion and no special handling requirement for IGU.

In winter, the aim of the coating is to reflect the heat back to inside of the building to prevent heat loss and keep the indoor climate at an even temperature.

In summer, the coating will reduce the amount of reradiated heat into the building thereby keeping indoor cooler and comfortable.

Standard thickness


Standard sizes

3300mm x 2140mm, 3300mm x 2440mm, 3300mm x 5100mm

(Non –standard sizes & jumbo sizes are available upon request)




Sunergy Clear
Sunergy  Clear

Sunergy clear has low reflection, neutral appearance and several color variation. It can be used in advanced buildings and renovation projects as well. The optical properties can meet local regulations of low exterior reflection.

The combination of solar control and thermal insulation functions create ideal glass windows for a wide range of architectural applications; residential houses, office building, hospitals, schools, glass roofs and even more.

Product Benefits

  • Online hard coating
  • Stable, virtually unlimited shelf life, long life performance.
  • Better thermal insulation.
  • Neutral color appearance, visual comfort, and low light reflection.
  • High durability, easy handling & easy processing.
  • Can be used as single glazing.
  • No edge film deletion and no special handling requirement for IGU

In winter, Sunergy prevents heat loss and keeps the indoor climate at an even temperature.

In summer, Sunergy provides excellent solar shading and thus reduces the heat from Sunshine to keep the inside cooler.

Standard thickness


Standard sizes

3300mm x 2140mm, 3300mm x 2440mm, 3300mm x 5100mm
(Non –standard sizes & jumbo sizes are available upon request)

What Glass Does with Solar Energy

There are three parts to the solar energy spectrum—infrared, visible and ultraviolet. Glass consequently responds to these three different types of light in three different ways—by reflecting, absorbing, or transmitting it. Tints and coatings can be used to impact that response in order to improve overall glass performance.

Sunergy 48
Sunergy 48 has the typical energy saving properties of Sunergy clear; moreover , the excellent solar shading performance of Sunergy 48 makes the best-fit for windows application in summer hot and winter warm zone and also the environment which solar shading is  required.

Sunergy 48 is mostly suitable for residential buildings and commercial buildings in summer hot and winter warm zone because of its excellent solar shading performance and low emissivity.

Product Benefits

  • Online hard coating
  • Cool neutral color and privacy appearance effect.
  • High solar energy shading(Low SC value).
  • Low emissivity function for thermal insulation.
  • Long and stable performance life(Before and after processing).
  • High durability, easy handlilng & processing.
  • No film deletion and no special handling requirement for IGU.

Standard thickness


Standard sizes

3300mm x 2140mm, 3300mm x 2440mm, 3300mm x 5100mm

(Non –standard sizes & jumbo sizes are available upon request)

Stopsol glass provides high solar shading performance by reflecting a large degree of the sun’s heat. It has strong surface durability and resistance to degradation. And reflecting glasses offer privacy and visual comfort from outside view.

Stopsol can be widely applied in architectural fields, interior and exterior, and industrial fields, such as oven.

Product Benefits

  • Online hard coating
  • Excellent solar control, high reflection and superb privacy properties.
  • Neutral appearance and wide option of solar control and LT value.
  • Limitless creativity once range can be used for all applications.
  • High durability, easy handling & easy processing.
  • No film deletion and no special handling requirement for IGU.

Stopsol Colors

Stopsol Supersilver clear

Stopsol Sliverlight clear

Standard thickness


Standard sizes

3300mm x 2140mm, 3300mm x 2440mm, 3300mm x 5100mm

(Non –standard sizes & jumbo sizes are available upon request)